tidbits of sam’s july
July’s been a whirlwind of a month, the kind summer specializes in, so I’ll let the camera do the talking for now. More stories will hopefully follow during my relaxed August!
July started with a wonderful trip down to Roanoke to visit with my cousins and aunt for the Fourth!
The following weekend Brad flew down for a lovely short visit, which included pistachio frozen custard and delicious Cheerwine (cherry soda).
Then my family and I went to Ireland! It was a wonderful trip and we saw many beautiful things. And I drank true Guinness – my life will never be the same.
We left the day before HP7 came out, and I couldn’t wait 10 days before seeing it! So we saw it in Dublin, and I was overjoyed and so pleased with the execution. What a wonderfully well-done conclusion to such an incredible series of books.
So I decided to leave it all behind and head to Hogwarts. See you in a couple of years! I’ve got magic to do.
Sounds like you had an amazing summer :) I’ve never been to Ireland but we have an Irish Pub here (an Irish friend told me the beer tastes exactly like in Ireland). Haha. But the Guinness shouldn’t be the only reason to go to Ireland ;) So I might go there one day to see the beautiful landscape..
Wait! I wanna’ go to hogwarts too! Ravenclaw! :D