anchovies, chairs, & ice cream
Anchovies. Ew would be the most common reaction, and some weird people with deformed tastebuds would say yum! But my friend Emily, in about 2nd grade or so, didn’t know what they were and went around calling herself an anchovie. I think that anchovies, when they’re alive, look something like the little shiny silver dudes that make the pictures in Finding Nemo. And when they’re dead.. well, they’re not as shiny.
For her birthday, I wanted to make her a stuffed one. But I wasn’t sure which to do – alive, or dead? Alive would be cuter, but dead would make it more obvious that it was an anchovie.. alright this is starting to sound weird.
To summarize, I decided to make it dead on one side, and alive on the other, all made out of gray fleece. The result?
The alive side features an eye, and sequins I handsewed on the fin, one-by-one. Since I’ve never sewn with sequins before, I’m proud of this. :)
No eye.. just an embroidery-floss X. No sequins.. his scales were taken off because they wouldn’t taste too good on the pizza.
(please ignore my lack of drawing skill ;))
Chairs. In my room I have a hideous black rolling desk chair. It’s solid black, made of plastic and the seat is covered in some icky black fabric. It cost $20 I believe, the cheapest one they had.. and it’s pretty obvious.
I’ve decided I’m going to cover it to match my sheets, the same ones I made my skirt out of. I love the fabric, and I still have a ton left.. so it will be perfect. I’m planning on adding a layer of batting, as well, to make it a bit more squishy. :)
Then, I was browsing my favorite crafty blogs, and I came across this chair pocket idea, and I think it’s amazing. Honestly, I want to make a pocket for every chair in the house. But to start, I’m planning on putting a pocket on the back of my desk chair once it’s finished.. wish me luck!
And ice cream.. well, I just really like ice cream. I think I’ll have some after dinner. yay!
Haha, it’s so cute! I’m sure your friend will love it!
I can’t wait to see how the chair turns out!
HAHA! That was an amazing present! I couldn’t stop laughing.
I AM AN ANCHOVIE…well, not quite. :)