in motion: typing hands
It’s only the second day of class, and I’m already starting on a lab report! What fun… But I’m about to leave for my first photography class of the semester! It’s been over a year since I’ve worked in the darkroom, so I’m looking forward to getting back. There’s nothing quite like the magic of watching a picture emerging from a previously blank sheet of paper.
In other news, it’s the last day of the 30 Day Photo Challenge! Thanks, Sherry, for putting this together – it was a fun blogging exercise.
This photo is part of oh so lovely’s 30 Day Photo Challenge. Today is Day 30: In Motion.
I like it! What setting did you use to get this shot?
Thanks! I put my camera on manual focus, focused it, then set it on the desk in front of my computer. I used a timer + continuous shots setting, so it gave me ten seconds to start typing and then took ten continuous pictures (flipbook style) so I could choose which one I liked best. :)