
summer brain allows
itself to be roused slowly,
but to no avail.

aluminum shed at frying pan park

First day of class, and I’m worn out. It’s a weird day; sunny and bright but with no hope for freedom. I’ve got three classes worth of homework due every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; I’ve been trying to gauge the difficulty of each class but it’s hard at first glance. Statics, dynamics, and differential equations; as intimidating as each of those sounds, today was excruciatingly boring and my brain feels like it has not been worked yet at all.

It’s a strange transition, when last week was filled with frolicking and adventure and suddenly that has all been quashed by equations and force-body diagrams. I know that soon I will be constantly busy, which worries me; yet at the moment, I have more free time than I know what to do with. I think it’s time to play with my camera and go for a photo walk. Photography class starts Thursday!