Tagged: graduation

graduation gift: tiny graduate narwhals in college colors

tiny narwhal graduates in custom college colors

I’ve been playing with fleece swatches and tiny stitches for weeks, and I’m finally ready to announce: tiny graduate narwhals in custom college colors!

These are so fun to make. The bright colors bring the tiny narwhals to a new level: each pairing of hues gives the little guys an entirely unique personality.

I started with my home state, Virginia, with Virginia Tech facing off UVA in the banner photo. But who’s next? I can’t wait to make these in every shade of the rainbow.

The graduation narwhals make a great gift for college grads, of course, but I think they might be even better suited for high school graduates who can spend the summer scheming and dreaming with a college-colored narwhal by their side. They probably already have enough t-shirts from their future alma mater – and if they don’t, they’ll get more for free when fall comes. What they don’t have is a tiny narwhal with a graduation cap.

so much good news

sam graduated!

I graduated!

sam and brad graduated!

And so did he!

The best news: I’m finally done with engineering school. I received my BSE in Mechanical Engineering, with a minor in Art Studio: Photography. It was all so worth it, and I’m so excited to be an engineer. But I’m so glad it’s over.

The exciting news: I received the school’s Kennedy Prize for creativity in art!

The relief news: I passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, over which I had worried so. It wasn’t actually that bad.

And my favorite news… I’ve given myself a whole summer off before I start Real Life. I hope to work on plenty of projects and do a healthy amount of adventuring while I have the chance! It’s going to be a good three months.

the perfect graduation gift: narwhal with a graduation cap

nothing says Congrats, Grad like a tiny narwhal with a graduation cap.

I’ve had graduation on my mind lately. And when the idea to make a tiny Graduation Narwhal popped into my head, I couldn’t shake it.

tiny narwhal with a graduation cap

So here he is, a very intelligent narwhal. He’s so proud to wear his cap. Of course, it pins on… so when graduation day is over, the cap can be easily removed.

tiny narwhal with a graduation cap


the tiny narwhal graduation ceremony

I couldn’t resist taking a class photo… because what good is a graduation cap if it doesn’t go airborne?

The tiny narwhals with graduation caps are available in the Fluffyland Shop. Quantity is limited, since I don’t have too much time to spare… but I had to make a few, since they’re just too adorable.

Hopefully now that this idea’s out of my head, I can finally finish the last of my homework (ever!) !

(“so how did you use your photography minor?” “well, i’m pretty good at taking adorable pictures of stuffed animals…”)