Tig! Commenter number 6, whose favorite color is kelly green. Congratulations, Tig!
It was fun to see what everyone’s favorite colors are! Lots of people like purple, which was funny to me since I am not a purple person. Although apparently, purple is the hot color for fall! And it has been growing on me lately.
My favorite color is turquoise, really any shade between blue and green (but closer to the blue side). When it comes to a second favorite color, though, that’s tricky. I love green and blue and orange and yellow… I have pink days, too. It all depends. I love colors!
Yesterday I finally got around to fixing up a little shelf unit I picked up at the Goodwill more than a year ago. It was a bathroom fixture, a little cabinet with a towel rack and shelf. It was quite beat up, wobbly, and dirty… but it had potential. So it came home with me.

I first bought it because I loved the knobs on the doors. I wanted to paint the unit a solid bright color, and leave the knobs white. But cabinets are rather impractical for me, because then the space in front of them can never be blocked.
The back piece was flimsy cardboard-like stuff, and it was starting to mold. It was the first thing to go. I took off the doors, figuring it’d be easier to paint that way, and realized: this is a cute shelf! Little shelf sat in my room lodging fabric during the school year, growing steadily weaker since it was missing a proper back.
That is, until yesterday! My wonderful brother Ben helped me use the circular saw to chop off an appropriately sized piece of pegboard that we had sitting in the basement. I decided to paint it… considered white, then light pink, until I realized: this can be whatever color I want it to be, really and truly. It doesn’t have to match, it just has to be awesome. That’s when I pulled out the orange bottle.
And I’m glad that I did!

Little shelf is quite happy now, with a solid back attached to all of the shelves and the wobbly shelf re-nailed to the sides. It’ll be perfect in my dorm room for holding all my little shoe-box sized bins of whales, mousies, pouches, and supplies. Hurray!
Speaking of moving into the dorm… I’ve still got quite a few whales who would be much happier with real homes than crammed into these plastic bins. Wouldn’t you like to have one?
busy little bee
buzzing flower to flower,
sustained by its work.