Category: Photography

a diptych

mocs & pockets, a diptych in black & white, feb. 2013

mocs & pockets, a diptych.

black & white film photography

shot and developed feb. 2013; enlarged and printed apr. 2013





circle breakfast

i also stood on the coffee table today to capture our circle-filled breakfast.

it was delicious.

happy Sunday.

photographic gems of february 2013

yellow door

painted street

shale rock

white door

orange rock

Yes, this is the first set of “photographic gems” I’ve done in awhile. These are a sampling of the photos I’m submitting for my color digital midterm; I’ve chosen to focus on pattern & texture. enjoy! Click images for larger view.

(photographic gems: a monthly feature to keep my camera happy and my viewfinding eye sharp.)

hello darkroom, my old friend

darkroom: time processing charts

Somewhere in my mind, I had associated the darkroom with negative things. Being busy and stressed. Investing hours and hours in a handful of prints. Sharing the space with the Photo I kids who cross-contaminate the baths.

darkroom: baths

But the last few days, I’ve had the darkroom to myself. And I can’t imagine why I don’t spend more time there.

darkroom: agitating prints in the fixer bath

It’s quiet, and dark. Just me, my photos, and the running water. The gentle swish-swish of my photos as I rock them back and forth in the baths. The magic, every time, of watching a print emerge from the paper as it develops; as it shimmers, ghost-like, and then appears.

darkroom: finished print in fixer

It doesn’t hurt, of course, that I’m getting better at reading test strips, and at taking film pictures in the first place. It doesn’t hurt at all that my prints have been coming out beautifully. And it certainly doesn’t hurt that Photo I doesn’t have midterm work due for another week.

But the darkroom and I are friends again, good friends. And it’s wonderful to be back together.

(to see some actual prints I made, check out this post from the archives with some black & white darkroom prints)