Yearly Archive: 2009


“when you go backwards,
you get more time.. forwards makes
time go double-fast”

(a quote, formatted to fit this haiku, from my wise father, at futsal practice)

wavy tree and bark

It’s a good thing I’m almost done with haikus… if I continued for another year at the rate I’m going, I’d skip every day! I don’t think I skipped a day until at least June… but October and November got bad. I was determined to add in my missing haiku (only three or so now, plus those long-awaited vacation posts!) before the end of the year, but that’s tomorrow. And tomorrow I’m taking a day trip to the Baltimore Aquarium! So we’ll see how it all works out…

making things

please, never forget
how much you love to make things.
making makes you whole.

ribbon rack