ipod pouches!
just another one of those
not quite happy days.
I’ve been working so hard on Fluffyland lately and, like many things, I expect my hard work to pay off instantly and when it doesn’t I’m rather disappointed. But I’ve got to keep trucking along and keep track of my progress to myself, because at some point my efforts will make a difference.
Today’s item of work was redoing the shop front page (doesn’t it look nice?) and listing the new iPod pouches I’ve finished up recently. The product listing process, with photoshoot, photo edit, upload, and description takes a great deal longer than I’d like, but once I get used to it and quit dreading it I should be able to get a hang of this “regular updates” thing, at least for the summer.
I just realized that I can get an iPod pouch now! When you first made them I had a Creative Zen MicroPhoto, but I bought an iPod touch two weeks ago. I love the Lakeside Breeze one. I’ll be buying one with my next paycheck. :)