apologies and love of course
I could just write a whole post on how sorry I am that I’ve neglected the blog and how busy I’ve been with school, work, homework, and soccer. But I won’t. Instead, I’ll give you… pictures! Because how many words is a picture worth??

I’m hoping to go to the Handmade Arcade in Pittsburgh on November 11. I haven’t sent in an application yet, because my mom and I are still debating whether or not we’d have time to drive all the way there just to sell a bunch of whales. Actually my mom’s the one debating.. I’m way too excited to care about any of the important stuff.
Because a craft show would be pretty much.. AMAZING. I’ve never done one, sure, but I could figure it out. I just really really want to go! It’s the weekend before the fall play, meaning I’d miss an important friday-night rehearsal.. plus I’m going to a CONCERT on that Thursday.. so I’d be in trouble. But still, it would be so worth it.
The concert.. The All-American Rejects are my favorite band and I’ve seen them in concert twice already. They’re coming AGAIN with the Starting Line, The Format, Motion City Soundtrack… I’m so excited. :D
Has anyone made a Starburst wrapper bracelet from my tutorial? Or are you all still saving wrappers? If you’ve made one, please take a picture.. I’d love to see!
Be creative, be wonderful as all my visitors/commenters are, and I’ll try my best to get pictures and goodness up here as often as I can!
I made a bracelet out of the Baja California Starbursts but it’s looking a little worn-out and dingy now. I can still take a picture if you’d like, though!