packing my life into boxes and bins
Somehow, the summer is coming to an end. This summer, the last real summer of my childhood, is on its last week and quickly fading.
- Disneyland: an obviously necessary trip during my last summer before college
- working picnics with friends: good food and a good job – helping kids with crafts!
- helping a friend with her Girl Scout gold award project: teaching kids to sew and donating tiny blankets to the premature ICU at the hospital
- sewing, as always
- shopping for college, especially finding the most amazing WHALE sheets for 20 bucks at TJ Maxx… and the only size they had was Twin XLong (dorm size) which is hard to find anyway. perfect! thank you Jesus!
- blogging for the Dead Robot Society, my robotics team, during the international Botball tournament in Oklahoma, and coming in 4th place!
- seeing friends, catching up, trying to make every moment last
- playing with my brand new Macbook!
- lots of sleeping
- helping out at my little brother Andy’s soccer camp
- savoring family time.. knowing soon it will never be the same