Tagged: studying

checking in

One month and eight days to go until graduation! And I’m “celebrating” the home stretch by studying everything I’ve ever learned. The Fundamentals of Engineering exam, which qualifies me as an Engineer-in-Training, takes place on Saturday: it’s 8 hours long, and it’s pretty scary.

studying for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, fueled by chocolate

But I know I know it. I’m almost through. Home stretch, here we go!

what i’m working on


mod pouchesSewing is much, much greater than studying for finals.

I’ve got my last exam, Circuits, on Tuesday, and I feel like I’ve got a good hold of the subject. If I completely destroy this test, I’ll get an A in the class… so I am studying. But sewing is keeping me sane. And it’s a warm, windy, gray day, in need of colors, not math.

I only blog when I’m procrastinating, so it must sound like I never do any work. Well, I do tons of work. Sewing just makes sure I smile sometimes.

I move out on Friday. I’m going to miss my room with my pretty blue walls and my big white ampersand, I’m going to miss my boyfriend like crazy and all my friends, I know eventually I’ll even miss being so insanely busy. But I sure won’t miss the awful light in this room or the entirely unmanageable amount of sewing space. Pros and cons to everywhere, I suppose.


clouds of frustration
slowly part, revealing rays
of hard-earned knowledge.

virginia kendall field