I encountered difficulty with today’s theme for the Photo Challenge: Sunflare. Typically, for a sunflare, you need sun… and I’ve just moved back to Cleveland*. We don’t get many sunny days, today included.
So I was forced to scour my photo archives until I finally stumbled upon this sunflare-blessed photo: my friends Carrie and Mike, riding the mine ride at Cedar Point nearly two years ago. I feel that cameras were meant to capture candid moments between people, and display, in a still image, a perfect conveyance of a relationship. Carrie’s expression is certainly due to the bright sun, but it’s still one that she wears frequently in Mike’s presence: a cross between irritation and amusement.
Catching these moments between people, or moments between people and their inner selves, is a topic I am considering exploring in my Independent Study photography class this semester. It’s something I haven’t practiced much, but I think it would lead to some wonderful and very expressive photos.
This photo is part of oh so lovely’s 30 Day Photo Challenge. Today is Day 25: Sunflare.
*The move explains the recent lag in photo challenge postings. I’m almost settled now, though, and I’m planning to finish the month strong!