Tagged: creativity


wading out of the
sludge of listlessness… it’s time
to create something.

button wall

Finally recovering from that semester full of work before work followed by some work… this break’s about sleeping and relaxing but I want to get some creativity in, too. The combination of having a good idea and having the motivation to do it takes a good deal of energy, but I feel like I’m getting close and that makes me really happy.

hue splash

ultimate soul heal:
take a trip to the art store.
life regains color.

row of colored buildings, cologne, germany


life is too full of
color to be expressed in
hues of black and white.

cedar point ferris wheel

Yesterday, I went for a long walk, shot a roll and a half of film + countless digital photos, sewed a new wrist wallet, doodled, and knit a bit. Today it’s time to get back to work, and rather than feeling energized I feel like I’m in creative withdrawal. Funny how that happens.