rainy playground slides,
make-your-own peanut butter,
yarn-covered meters.
a wonderful, wonderful, super super awesome awesome adventure day.

And these were just the icing on the cake.
Last weekend, my boyfriend and I went to see a movie at the Cedar Lee theater, a small theater near school. 500 Days of Summer – it was entertaining, funnier than I expected, and certainly worth watching but not deserving of an all-time favorite position.

The best part, though, was exiting the theater to see the street lined with yarn-covered objects. At the sight of this unexpected craftiness, I got unreasonably excited.

I ran from one meter to the next, inspecting the stitches and marveling at the artsiness that I had never expected from Cleveland. I’m sorry, Cleveland, I just never realized you were this awesome!

Of course, I did not have my camera with me, so I had to settle for mental images. But the boyfriend said the words that sound better than most anything to me: “we need to come back here with your camera!”

And return we did… through pouring rain and soaking wet socks, today I snapped picture after picture of these beautiful works of art against the angry gray sky.
(these sweater-ed parking meters are part of a temporary community public art project called Knitscape by Heights Arts Cleveland… i can’t get over how awesome this is. They say one of the reasons for the project is “to make people smile as they encounter unexpected art in their daily lives”… does giggling, grinning, and jumping up and down count?)