Category: Photography

cleveland’s west side market: exploring with a camera

colorful squash at the west side market in cleveland

I always love taking pictures. But there are some days where I can see things better with my camera than with my eyes.

green veg at cleveland's west side market

Lines, shapes, textures, colors.

"take a picture!" - west side market in cleveland

And then the produce salesman shouts, “take a picture!” and points to his papayas. I comply.

vegetable seller at the market who leaped into my photo!

Another friendly merchant leaps into my picture as I click the shutter. I am entertained.

A camera full of pictures and a sack full of fruits and vegetables: that’s a productive day in my book.

a small quote of the day.

globes of light

“you don’t have a soul.
you are a soul.
you have a body.”

– c.s. lewis

blues, reds, & greens: a photographic exercise

zippers and blue

Today marks my 9th day of class so far, and I’m finally readjusting myself to the school life. After being on co-op and working for a whole semester, I’ve been having difficulty with a few basic schooling concepts:

  • once I’m home from class, I have to do more work?
  • I am steadily losing money, rather than making money?
  • I have to do work on the weekends, too?
  • I’m supposed to remember how to take a derivative? or an integral? or do any other basic calculus?

a trash can reflection

But rather than bore you with details of my engineering coursework, I’d prefer to share some in-progress shots from my first color digital photography assignment.

blue seats

It’s the first photography class I’ve taken without a darkroom: I’ve got instant results, and Photoshop to play with.

seat number 12

It’s certainly easier than working in the darkroom, and significantly less time-consuming. But I can’t say I like it better. The darkroom is just such a wonderful place!

red bricks

For our first assignment, we have to shoot three pictures: one in which the main item is blue, one in which the main item is red, and one in which the main item is green.

red pole & tracks at the rapid transit (RTA) station

I’m not having any difficulty with the blues here at Case. But the greens are another challenge!

happy yellow shoes

Next week I have to turn in one print using each color… can you help me choose between the blues?