Category: Cuteness

stress shopping is a win

Finals week and somehow I ended up on Ebay.

50 orange Hello Kitty buttons… $2 and free shipping?

I can do that.

And my week is brightened.

hello kitty buttons

(have i ever mentioned how impossible it is to take pictures of orange things??)

in memoriam of my cactus: a plush cactus

My beautiful pet cactus, Cactus, is now officially a resident of cactus heaven. It was a good cactus, and I loved it as much as anyone has ever loved a cactus, but the Cleveland sun, especially the amount that comes through my window, was just not enough.

Cactus, in better times

Cactus had been looking a bit peckish for awhile, but I kept hope that it was just having a dormant winter. But on Wednesday, its head popped off. Goodbye, Cactus.

My room and my heart are feeling rather empty, so I was compelled to make a memorial version of my beloved Cactus.

Plush Cactus

Much less alive and much more cuddly, the presence of Plush Cactus is slowly healing the prickly hole in my heart.

ninja bear!

ninja bear - made from "peg bear" pattern in One Yard Wonders

The creators of the book One Yard Wonders are producing a sequel, and are currently asking for project submissions. The deadline is April 1st (i know! sorry!) extended to April 11! but if you’ve got a pattern that you’ve been itching to publish, this could be your chance!

I decided to submit a pattern, but before finalizing I had to see the first book to make sure I was on the right track. So I picked it up from the library… it’s a darling book! Great pictures, some very cute projects, and the two things that every craft book should have but not nearly enough do: spiral bound pages and patterns printed on tissue and presented in an envelope.

Even though I had borrowed the book in order to use it as a guide, I couldn’t pass up a chance to make something as adorable as the “Peg Bear” pattern. So, shoving homework aside, I stitched up this little guy who is now affectionately referred to as Ninja Bear! Stuffed to the brink of explosion, he’s quite heavy, very huggable, and incredibly sneaky.