Tagged: tired


the pile of pillows
beckons: “it’s been a long day.
rest, sink into me.”


strong gravity today

steadily frowning clouds
squelch any desire to rise
from my pillow pile.


I’m trying to convince myself that the blackberries need picked, that they will be delicious, that I can bake with them later. But I’m not even hungry. It’s one of those days.

I’m also feeling the need to update WordPress… I’m running 2.2.1 and I think they’re at 2.8.2 now. No clue how those numbers work, but it’s been awhile and I think they’ve added lots of nifty features that I’d enjoy…

And Arthur Sage is now available for purchase!

(and yes, this title is a reference to Slapstick, my favorite of kurt vonnegut’s books)