wiwo wednesday: dwarf meyer lemon tree
The past week has been filled with excitement in my little apartment. You see, in December, I bought a meyer lemon tree. She’s my pet, since I’m not allowed to have a puppy.
I ordered her at Christmas, and she shipped from California so she lost a lot of leaves during the journey and during the adjustment period after the repotting. She’s a 3-year-old tree, but I was sure the cross-country transplant, along with her fragile frame, meant that it would be a while before I’d see any lemons.
But! No! Surprise! Brad was visiting for the weekend and I was watering her, when all of a sudden I looked more closely between the leaves. A tiny bud! The first weekend of February! A mere 6 weeks after her arrival! We danced around and ate ice cream in celebration.
Two weeks later, she was covered in buds, as in the photo above.
And then, the blooms. Gorgeous, fragrant blooms… bright white with hints of purple on the outside. They smell amazing.
And finally, yesterday, after a few days of dropping petals (which is sad to see, but a sign of great things to come), I found the world’s tiniest lemon. It’s currently about the size of a black bean. 6-9 months from now, it will be a ripe lemon. I feel like a mother! I’m so proud of my little tree.
Not much of a “wiwo” – more of a “what my tree is working on”! But I’m working on providing her with support, adequate snacks (fertilizer), and lots of love.
And, by the way, I have an instagram now. It may or may not be due to my desire to post daily pictures of my lemon tree. She’s the best!
Marie started wiwo wednesday: What I’m Working On. I try and join her as often as I can to give you a peek into my creative process and my works-in-progress. See all my wiwo wednesday posts here.