spain withdrawal

Lent is ending faster than ever (especially since I didn’t give up dessert this year) and Easter is fast approaching. Cleveland’s bipolar skies as of late have been toying with my sense of adventure, and I can’t help but feel a major rush of Spain withdrawal.

For spring breaks in both 11th and 12th grade, I went on class trips to Spain (with a dash of France). I love Spain. I love the colors, the food, the architecture, the language. I love how Spain pictures ended up in an incredibly large percentage of my haiku. I love the mystery and the adventure and the thrill of the unknown, the careful steps because getting lost in a foreign city is never a good option.

My posts regarding both trips were quite lame… so I figured I could relive those sunshine-filled days and give myself a photo tour of the adventures. It’s also incredible to look back to 2007 and realize that yes, I have improved greatly as a photographer, because the majority of those pictures were pictures anyone would have taken. My internal eye has been strengthened and I am better at seeing the picture that should be taken, the picture nobody else has ever thought of taking. But they were good enough that I can look at them and smell the sky and taste the foods… and I miss it with all my heart.

i miss the markets…

i miss the randomly adorable average houses…
patio house

i miss parc guell…
parc guell

parc guell

i miss calling a parcel of pastries a meal…

i miss exploring dali’s eccentricity…
dali museum

i miss gaudi’s beautiful architecture…
gaudi house

i miss posing with random inanimate objects…
spain people

i miss rows of colorful buildings…
colorful buildings

i miss the greener-than-green spanish countryside…
spanish countryside

i miss buildings that look like coloring pages…
colored wall

i miss it all and i want to go back.