Tagged: fabric shopping

good fabric shopping

blues, greens fabric pile

if you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you’ve probably noticed my many attempts to limit my stashing.

but this time i was good! i am allowed to buy fabrics that will help me use other fabrics, and since those are typically less fun to buy, i never end up leaving the store with solid/solid-like cloths. but look how pretty they are! there aren’t many things more soothing than pressing newly washed fabrics.

and yes, i did get home from colorado last night, and yes, i was in the fabric store less than four hours after my plane landed.


four exams, three days,
over now. time to go do
some fabric shopping.


day 4: notre dame, garment district

exploring, tasting,
trying new things: never lose
thirst for adventure.

row of donuts.. mmmm..

i like lampposts

notre dame

some robe to cover people with if they catch on fire

cute doll in a fabric store in the garment district

Today was my mom’s birthday! Happy birthday mumsy!

We started the day right by eating an astronomical amount of pastries. We then took the metro out to Notre Dame, went inside, and took plenty of pictures inside and out. Andy zipped through all the souvenir shops, searching for the perfect mini eiffel tower.

We hopped back on the metro and stopped at Montmartre. I sent the boys to climb up the hill to see the view and explore the Sacre-Coeur basilica while my mom and I stayed down below and puttered through various fabric shops. There were so many fabric stores, it was amazing. There are three huge ones, five stories each, and then the surrounding streets are littered with little stores selling “coupons” which are basically remnants. Unfortunately for me, these “remnants” were 3 meters apiece and that is still way more fabric than I ever use. But I did manage to find a few things, and I enjoy digging through fabric.

If you’re planning a trip to Paris’ garment district, here are a few resources I used:
· Fabric Stores in Montmartre
· Paris Textile Resources and Fabric Stores
· Fabric Shopping in Montmartre