shiny new snaps

rainy chain

black speckly drain spouts

rusty antique sign in a window


see saw

see saw 2

a handful of glorious shots from my darling new camera. last weekend i trekked down to farmville, va, to see an old friend who i hadn’t seen in ages. it was a lovely, if very short, trip. on my way out of the quaint little college town i gave my new camera a workout. i’m super pleased.

i can’t get over this whole “depth of field” thing. SO EXCITING.

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2 Responses

  1. Casey says:

    These are gorgeous, Sam! :) I love how you captured all the texture in the objects and settings… You’re so talented! :)

    ? Casey
    blog |

  2. Aunt ss says:

    I love the SS photo – thanks! I’m sure you did that for me! ha ha

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