summer? where did you go?
As always, I can’t help but feel a bit upset as summer leaves. And by “bit upset”, I mean I was really, really dreading the start of school.
♥ senior year! wow!
♥ seeing friends every day!
♥ back to school shopping!
x waking up early
x homework
x when am i supposed to sew?
x college application time is coming fast….. ah!
Basically, everything just gets crazy.
So before school started last week, I decided to finally get the craft room cleaned up a bit. During the year, I’m only going to have little pieces of time to sew & craft, so I don’t want to spend my precious creative time cleaning up all of my WIPs. Of course, looking around now, I realize that I’ve already made a pretty big mess with a batch of magnets I just made, but i’m trying. Above my sewing machine, I have all my little mousies on a shelf, peeping down at me. To my right, on my nice clean bookshelf, are all my whales and the two big mousies that are left. I didn’t realize that keeping everything clean would have such a huge impact on my creativity; all of my ideas seem so much more feasible when I actually have room to work.
Right here is my nice clean sewing table, and my wall of fun stuff. All my thread is color-coordinated, of course. I’ve got little drawers filled with all sorts of works-in-progress, and my most recent batch of unfinished whales on top. Alice keeps them company.
This is the inspirational part of my wall, with my small bulletin board covered in fun stuff, a whale dot-to-dot from my friend Molly, a Coke ad from Katie, and an M and a heart from Grace; all of this is because my friends always encourage me in everything I do and I love them! The Coke ad is one of my favorite things ever, though… it says,
make it the latest trend, then abandon it, and start a new one. make it something that turns heads. make it you. make it real. make it an overheated sewing machine at 3am. make it transform a pile of scrap fabric into a next level handbag. make it new. make it sparkle. make it do the talking for you. make it something everyone will call a statement, but you’ll just call a random tuesday.
It’s basically the story of my life.
Hanging on the shelf below my mousies are my ribbons form my trip to New York’s garment district, because I haven’t been able to cut into them yet, they’re too pretty! I’ve also got my little butterfly I made, with wings that detach with a bow; I want to make more sets of wings eventually, so they can be changed. I think that would be fun. :D In front of Alice are four plushie Starbursts that I made quite awhile ago… I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them. They’re soft and squishy, but they don’t serve much of a purpose.
And now I’ve got to get back to my AP english homework, then hopefully have some time for whales, magnet making, decoupage, or whatever I decide to do next!
(also, please forgive the funny blurriness of the pictures; last week it rained nearly every day, so the lighting was not ideal.)
My name is Laurena and I just started a craft blog of my own. I love you little starburst wrapper bracelet and made one of my own! haha. oh and when I was reading your “about me” I saw that you live in No.Va. Me too!!! Well I did until about a month ago when I moved temporarily to D/FW, Tx. I’ve lived in Arlington, Va for 19yrs! Where are you located [if you don’t mind me asking]? Well I was wondering if you would link to my blog [I have a link on blog to yours!] :D Well I put my email up top so I’d love to hear from you!
~lala Laurena! :D
I know this entry is old, but I just had to say that all the stuff in your room is adorable! I love the Coke quote, too.
I agree with your good/bad lists about school :P
your work room is so adorable. and all your little stuffies are so cute too!