happy mother’s day!
I’d like to wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mothers out there, especially my wonderful Mumsy who is obviously the best mother of all. :)

This is a little whale I made for my friend’s mom, whose friend had a baby boy. According to said friend’s mom, my whales are perfect for little babies because they can easily grab onto the tail. And I think she’s right! I also used my favorite child-safe eyes. This little guy’s made out of blue velour (i’ll be making more, it’s such a wonderful fabric) with a tummy covered in construction vehicles! It made me happy.
As much as I’d love to be sewing sewing sewing and blogging like crazy, it’s that time of year again: thesis paper time. So instead of telling you all about my latest crafty exploits (as few and far between as they’ve been) I have to stick to Nathaniel Hawthorne and the feminist views he expresses in The Scarlet Letter. Ah, what a delight. 10 pages, here I come!
edited to add: child-safe eyes, while they’re called that, are NOT entirely childsafe. They can absolutely break and become a choking hazard. Don’t use buttons, plastic eyes, or any small plastic parts on toys for babies or young children!
This is sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow I love your website it’s the best you’ve like, really inspired me to try harder with my sewing and stuff! Thanks ;)